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Welcome to
Japanese Sword Gallery 

japanese sword gallery germany

Then as now, the Japanese sword (nihon-to) fascinated people all over the world. The spirit of ancient Japan - the soul of the samurai - and its code of conduct have survived in it through the centuries to the present day.

It combines functionality and aesthetics at the same time. If a sword also has an "artistic value", then the connoisseur speaks of an artificial sword. Not every Japanese sword can claim to be a work of art, since there are serious differences in quality, which then declare it to be a mass product or simply a "weapon".


What is essential is the experience of the smith who wants to create an optimal sword in the traditional manufacturing process of forging. Anyone who deals with the matter more intensively will quickly come across information from specialist literature or from the Internet.


There is a lot about the history of forging, the smiths themselves and the respective forging schools, which cover a timeline from the Koto period (old time from about 650 - about 1600 AD) to the Shinto period / Shin -Shinto period (new time 1600 - 1867) to the modern age (1868, Meiji period) and their working methods.


Each sword is unique and is therefore always to be evaluated as a one-off. That makes it interesting but also difficult at the same time. If you want to buy an artificial sword as a collector, layman, beginner or as an investment, you need good knowledge to be able to evaluate a sword according to its quality.

Due to my more than 30 years of experience as a collector and NBTHK member (Japan Society for the Preservation of the Japanese Artistic Sword) and the Through daily study of my own pieces, as well as other Japanese artificial swords, I have been able to gather enough knowledge to be able to distinguish a good sword from a less good one.If you are looking for a high-quality sword at a reasonable price, then you have come to the right place.


Due to long-standing good relationships with Japan, I can offer you the pieces that have been performed. I always demand the highest quality for myself, which I can therefore offer here without restrictions. Most pieces have a fresh Japanese master polish. NBTHK certificates confirming authenticity are essential to dispel any doubts about authenticity.

Japanese Sword Gallery
Japanese Sword Gallery
Japanese Sword Gallery
Japanese Sword Gallery
Japanese Sword Gallery
Japanese Sword Gallery
Japanese Sword Gallery
Japanese Sword Gallery

Copyright © 2023 Joachim Hoppen. All rights reserved. The content of this website, including text, images, and design, are owned by Joachim Hoppen and may not be used without permission.

Japanese Sword Gallery

Adress: Auf dem Paradies 5 in 56566 Neuwied


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